
Important Table Manner??

The term table manner the label alias ate, uptil now was identical to the official banquet agenda was in a West style. True like that?? In fact was not like this... The understanding of the label in the dining table facilitated us in the association. In the banquet agenda, the conduct ate or table manner was the main important matter was paid attention to. The conduct ate showed who ourselves in fact.

Method ethics ate that was true and good this was begun from before ate until afterwards had all the rules and the acting good manners order in the table. Whether that the position sat, the method of holding the equipment ate, digested food, took the serving of the cover and even until wiped off the mouth when being finished.

in the international banquet was known by six term kinds makan. namely Cofee morning that was held in the morning struck 10,00-12,00, Brunch the alias breakfast lunch, was held between morning time to eat and the afternoon, on the hour of nine, Lunch that was held began to strike 11,30-17,00, Teatime as the agenda drank tea that was held struck 14,30-17,00, Cocktail that was the dish stood was held before eating dinner between struck 18,00-19,00 and Dinner as the banquet that was held in struck 19,00.